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purchase questions answered below
Who wrote the REX PN Prep Guide
The 2025 REX PN Prep Guide has been written and designed by a team of multiple RN's across Canada who both work as LPN program instructors, and as employees of various Canadian provincial regulatory boards
What is the REX PN Prep Guides successful pass rate
To the best of our knowledge, 98.4% of students using our material have passed the REX PN because they learned exactly what they needed to know to pass. We have not had a single student report a complaint regarding the efficacy our material
Why is the REX PN Prep Guide effective
The reason our material is so effective, is because our writers have in depth knowledge of exactly what to expect upon writing the REX PN exam; a handful of them have actually written, reviewed, and audited questions for ASI and Pearson Vue. Our writers have carefully designed our material in a way which maximizes our students chance of success. We give straightforward questions and answers which are easy to learn, easy to memorize, and teach students exactly what to expect upon writing the REX PN
Why is the REX PN Prep Guide affordable
Many classroom courses offer material which is similar to ours, but they generally cost $1000 - $1500 because they are in a classroom setting. We do not have the cost of classroom overhead, which allows us to offer students security and peace of mind for a fraction of the cost